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Whiteley Shopping Centre Car Parks
East, South, Cinema, Market Square and Tesco Car Parks
We have made the decision to return the small car park at Market Square to a short stay car park from 1st May. This is to give those who are coming for a brief visit, the option of a more convenient space. If you are visiting one of the retailers close to the car park, including Specsavers, Hair OTT, Barbers on the Square and Skin Squared you will be able to get validation for extended parking beyond one hour instore. You can continue to park for free for up to four hours in all of the other car parks at the centre.
Our seven car parks offer over 1,360 spaces, all equipped with CCTV .
Customers can enjoy 4 hours’ free parking in all car parks (except Market Square) with the option to top-up for two extra hours for £2 (excluding Tesco which offers 4 hours’ maximum free parking). No restrictions from 6pm each day. Parking machines are located in Town Square.
Market Square car park is a one hour only car park now, as it was a few years ago; for the use of customers that use the independent retailers that are in Market Square. If you have/had appointments within the businesses in Market Square – they can extend your parking over an hour.
Designated spaces for Parent & Child are provided in the East, Cinema A and Tesco car parks and Blue Badge spaces are available in the East, Cinema A, Tesco and Market Square car parks. Blue Badge parking is subject to the advertised tariff, although visitors requiring additional time can contact Centre Management.
Please check the signage for instructions of how to pay the top-up tariff (either at the machine or by texting/calling from your mobile, via the app or via the website). Location number for Whiteley using the Pay By Phone app is: 79433
A ‘POD Point’ electric vehicle charging post is located in the East car park outside Harvester, with a further two charging posts located outside the cinema in the Cinema B car park. Charging points all offer a fast 7kW charge via Type 2 Mennekes connector. Prices are available via the POD Point app.
The car parks open at 7.00am and parking is free between 6.00pm and midnight, when the car parks close.
All of our car parks are monitored by Car Park Plus. To find out parking time limits, visit our carparking webpage. Failure to park accordingly may result in a Parking Charge Notice.
If you make regular journeys to Whiteley, why not look at sharing your car or seeking a lift with a like-minded individual.